
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Next Lines of Blood - Happy 2nd Birthday, Dayini

3rd July was my 3rd child's birthday. She's now 2 years old. We did small party for her on 4 July (yesterday afternoon). I was not with her celebrating the party. Where else if not to office. Mmmmh.... what to do.... cari makan, kalu tak makan loti saja lor!!!

But the party still went on without me. Nasib baik ada cousin-cousin yang memeriahkan suasana. 2 tahun, agak-agak budak2 umur macam ni dah paham ke birthday party. Mungkin ya atau mungkin tidak. Kanak2 zaman generation Y ni, lain macam sikit. Tak semacam time-time aku dulu. Mana ada nak sambut harijadi ni. Ye lah zaman dah berubah. Takan nak ikut time aku dulu.

Anyway, Happy Birthday.. Dayini. I always pray to Allah that you and your 2 sisters will be " anak-anak yang Solehah". May Allah blesses you always.


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