
Monday, July 6, 2009

Micheal Owen - I'll Always Be Your Fan

Owen During The Frustrating Season With Newcastle

  1. Though, I am not fan to Manchester United (kelab yang paling aku nyampah), but if Michael Owen chooses to join the club, I'm still his fan. It is good for him to join MU.

  2. Ferguson is able to do wonder on him (hope so). See, how many players he produces to be topstars. Ferguson is seeing inside Owen as most prolific goal score, despite his uncertainty performance with Magpies. I have no doubt about Ferguson to reclaim what Owen was. Owen knows him better than I do, though.

  3. I personally hope that next season will be his season and able to gain Capello’s confidence to re-sign as England player.

  4. I was, like shocked, struned and happy when the news came out that he has been approached by Ferguson. WOW! What a surprising news. I don't expect MU will pick Owen. But, surprisingly Owen now is MU player. At least he got club to play with for next season and to resurrect your football career and MU got him at knock-down price.

  5. Some have reacted differently over the news. Bad comments. Good comments. Whatever it is, forget about others' comments. Just move on.

"Michael is a world class forward with a proven goalscoring record at the highest level and that has never been in question. Coming to Manchester United with the expectations that we have is something that Michael will relish."

Sir Alex Ferguson


Ni masa kat Real Madrid. Bawah Capello.

Fakta Mengenai Michael Owen masa budak-budak.
  1. Nama penuh , Michael James Owen.
  2. Lahir kat Chester, England pada 14/12/1979. Banyak menghabiskan masa budak-budak kat Hawarden, Welsh.

  3. Bapak dia, Terry juga bekas pemain bola. Pernah main dengan Everton, Bradford City & Chester dalam lingkungan 14 tahun.

  4. Bapak tak paksa ikut dia main bola tapi galakkan Owen masuk boxing club di Hawarden.
  5. Ketika umur 7 tahun, dah bermain kelab Alexandra, bawah 10 tahun bersama pemain2 yang besar dan kuat. 1st season aje, score 34 goal dalam 24 permainan.

  6. Kejayaan disambung dengan dipilih sebagai pemain Deeside Schools dengan mengalahkan rekod Gary Speed sebagai permain termuda dan Ian Rush sebagai penjaring terbanyak dalam satu musim.

  7. Kemudian kehebatan Owen di Hawarden Rangers dan St. David Park telah menarik minat kelab-kelab liga lain.

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