
Monday, July 27, 2009

My Angels

They are my next bloodlines.

Yini - 2

Wisha - 5

Damia - 9

Be a good girl!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rocky Belt.....Part 2

Belt of Rocks di Bulan

..... Dalam seminar Dr. Zahglol An-najaar di salah sebuah universiti British berkata, "keajaiban bulan terbelah telah terbongkar" Beliau pun bercerita tentang seorang british, Dawoo Musa ketika tercari-cari agama mana untuk dianuti telah dihadiah oleh sahabatnya senaskah terjemahan Al-Quran. Dia membuka dan membacanya. Apabila dia membaca surah Al-Qamar, tentang bulan terbelah dua, dia pun terfikir lalu berkata, "bulan terbelah dua?". Selepas itu, dia berhenti membaca ada menutup terus terjemahan al-Quran tersebut.

Pada suatu hari, ketika dia menonton program di BBC yang menyiaran rencana 3 saintis Amerika. Pengacara program itu menyalah Amerika kerana menghabiskan berbillion-bellion dollar (US) untuk projek angkasa lepas, sedangkan berjuta-juta masyarakat di dunia menderita kerana kebuluran. 3 saintis tersebut pun menceritakan kenapa Amerika beria-ia sangat nak buat kajiaa tentang angkasa lepas.

Amerika membelanjakan berbillion-billion untuk projek ke bulan sebab nak kaji struktur bulan sama ada sama dengan bumi atau tidak. Dan mereka terkejut terdapat "belt of rocks" daripada permuka bulan hingga ke dalam struktur bulan.

Saintis memberikan maklumat penemuan meraka kepada pakar geologi. Mereka juga terkejut dan menyatakan bahawa perkara ini tidak mungkin berlaku melainkan bulan pernah terbelah dua dan bercantum semula. "Rocks on the belt" adalah kesan semasa berlakunya bulan terbelah dan bercantuman semula.

Terdengar penjelasan itu, Dawood tercengang dan berkata " Itu adalah mukjizat Nabi Muhammad telah yang berlaku lebih 1400 tahun dahulu. Sekarang Amerika berbelanja berbillion-billion untuk membuktikan penemuan mereka pada umat Islam" Dawood tambah lagi "ini adalah agama yang betul yang aku cari-carikan. Dan surah al-Qamar yang aku baca dahulu adalah betul" Selepas pada itu, dia peluk Islam dan sekarang beliau adalah pengerusi parti islam di british.


1st Shot (Part 1)

I took these photos using my new DSLR camera - Canon EOS 1000. Still exploring and lot more learn.

Bunga?? (not sure)

Bunga Raya & Belalang

Bunga Raya

Bunga ?? (not sure)

Bunga Kertas

Kesemuanya diambil di kawasan lanskap kat rumah. Lots more coming

To be continued...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

MU - Asia Tour 2009

Malaysia XI host MU on 18/7/2009 at Stadium Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur.

  1. I was not at the stadium but i did watch the game on tube. (it is not fav. team anyway)
  2. Full house. I never saw a big crowd there since last commonwealth game. (not recall the year)
  3. The game was very entertaining and interesting.
  4. Malaysian youngster showed their high level of commitment to play and win the ball.
  5. MU score 2 goals in the 1st half. Malaysia XI leveled in 2nd half, subsequently.
  6. What a shot! Amri Yahya scored 2 goals for Malaysia. Perhaps, MU has reason - weather, heat, etc. But the fact Malaysia XI has their reasons to beat MU - to boost up local football fever. Don't underestimate skuad harimau malaya.
  7. Michael Owen (my fav) was MU's savior that night. kalau tidak....MU malu..
  8. MU extended their stay until Wednesday due to bombing in Jakarta
  9. Tomorrow (Monday), both team will meet again.
  10. We will see.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Cari Makan & Makan Gaji

It has been awhile i am not updating my blog. Too tied up lately. Anyhow, below is a bit about my journey towards a better life.... kerja..kerja..kerja...cari nafkah.

Last 7/7/2009 was 1st anniversary for my new job. This is my 5th job within a span of 13 years.

I initially started my career doing auditing and accounting (major), plus admin & HR job for an accounting firm. A small firm who “hidup segan, mati tak mahu” (malay proverb) meaning, just waiting to close down. No offer letter, nothing. You interview today, tomorrow you can start work. If you are lucky, you could start work immediately. How fast! They engaged practical students to save cost. That was suck. I pushed myself to create an interest in accounting, to get certified and become accountant. I know I’m good in accounting and finance. Proof? My colleague result. That was why I stayed on almost a year with that firm. The thing did not go as planned. Did I join wrong company? Hahaha! That’s life. People say, that would make you strong and tough to face challenging world ahead. I admit, I did learn from it.

They paid me very small sum. It was cash money and all depending to collections from clients. If collection are okay, you get your pay on time. Otherwise, you will get last day of month or 1st of following month. That sum less deduction for provident fund, whatelse is left? I found out later, they did not deposit my portion of contributions to my provident neither they did theirs. In Malaysia, if you are employed, you yourself have contribute from your earning salary as minimum as 11% (those day). On the other hand, the employer needs to top up another 12% (minimum) into my provident fund. It is a statutory contribution. Employers who are found violating this regulations, they shall be fined or imprison. Many have been held for this. However, I don’t see any employee is being fined for not contributing. All the funds go to and managed a government agency call Malaysian Employee Provident Fund (EPF). Since it is statutory, many fresh jobseekers are easily being cheated by the irresponsible employers. That had happened to me. They cut my genuine business travelling claims as well. I did not make noise about. I was sorry to the firm who was not well managed and poor cash flow and financial control. Then, I started actively looking for job for more security in term of financial and career growth. Attended interviews and finally 2 banks offered me. One offers me for HR job and the other to do internal audit. Again, it was hard to decide, though. I would prefer have no option rather than 2. You choose wrong way, you may turn it away or go on. Sometime, I am a not risk taker. Yezza! time to revenge. When I got my pay, I absconded...…. hahah PADAN MUKA. That the worst thing I can do to them. Kesian la pulak buat lebih-lebih. Next few days, join a local bank doing HR. That is where my real career growth is.

Between 1997-1998, economic turmoil hit the regions. Companies had closed down; people lost job, mergers and acquisitions had taken place. I had been through major merger and acquisition exercises among local banks. That was Government’s directive. It was high level business strategies. I had just played small part. That was checking, printing letters, folding them into envelops and sending to those employees who had opted to leave the bank voluntarily. As for compensations for them, those employees would get tokens calculated based on their last drawn salary multiplied years of service and rate determined by the management. It was quite good sum of money…….. but more important, I SURVIVE.

Along the way that almost 8 years, I sensed that I get stuck at the bank. I became stagnant and complacent. I was happy with job, worked with boss who is very understanding and flexible. What else. One thing I noted, I had no room to grow. If you want to move up, either you get rid of the other two seniors by all means or wait until they retire or die. The HR then had created the structure as such. Subsequently, one who had been promised for promotion but ended up nothing, had left the bank. Upset for so long waiting. Then, I left for another bank, to the first Islamic Bank in Malaysia. Well paid. Good position. But it was not able to stop me to leave…hehheha. A subsidiary company of London based Bank offered me. It is a shared services company, servicing to the entire bank worldwide. Great huh!!? The interview went well. I got what I had asked for. My expected salary was not negotiated. (I should had asked more). Done deal. Wow! There must be a rich company. That was the company I wanted to work for. After carefully thought, I accepted the offer. It took me weeks to accept the offer. I went around asking about the company.

First day in that company. A person by nickname of ‘LimTaT’ approached me. He is Malaysian. Damn! his English speaking …… . He is not like normal Malaysian English speaking. He got style. I later knew he is my colleague. The only men alive in that department. I was introduced to my boss, a person who interviewed me those days. Hmmmm! Looks nice. Gaya mak datin, but not yet. Well, everything went smoothly, manageable until top management changed. Suddenly, LimTat resigned 24 hours. It had puzzled me. Why? What a shock! Maybe, he cannot tahan the pressure anymore. I was not sure. Every month, I was required to sit in a forum and present to management team including my boss about related risks within HR. During the forum, I was blamed for not giving proper advices to line managers in handling employees’ attitude. All the presurres came in. That was not my fault after all. For first time in my life, I was so deeply down and depressed. Things become awry. I could not think rationally. I show my protest. I tendered resignation. My boss counter-offered to a position as HR Relationship Manager in newly form division or reduces my responsibilities. She acknowledged my area of responsibilities, too stretched. Why now? I’ve got to handle payroll, risk & compliance, service delivery, expatriate management, record management, policies and procedures, tax etc with only one staff to help…. Gila! Payroll alone is extremely taxing. Now you know. Thank you very much, I am done. I want to start fresh. Goodbye!! 2 men died in the unfinished battle.


Thank God. A nice-bald-vocal-fierce-very experience-man offered to work under him. That was 7/7/08. Although the position and pay are not as good as I earned in previous job, at least I am happy here. Now I know the theory of OPPORTUNITY COST. Unfortunately, I get know him and work with him for 6 months. He left for early retirement.

with x-boss before his retirement

Today, I am there to continue my journey. For how long...... time will answer.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Rocky Belt.....Part 1

Gambar di sebelah menunjukan lokasi "Rocky Belt" yg menunjukkan bulan pernah terbelah dahulu.
Orang-orang musyrikin Mekah berkata kepada Nabi Muhammad S.A.W "jika benar kamu adalah seorang nabi, belah lah bulan itu dan jika kamu boleh melakukannya, maka kami akan percaya kepada mu.
Pada malam itu adalah bulan penuh dan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W pun berdoa kepad Allah untuk mengurniakan kepada beliau mukjizat, dengan kehendakNya, maka terbelah bulan itu. Separuh dapat dilihat sebelah Gunung Saffa dan separuh lagi di sebalah Gunung Kaikaan.

Maka orang-orang musyikin lalu berkata bahawa Nabi Muhammah S.A.W telah melakukan sihir ke atas mereka untuk memperlihatkan bulan terbelah dua. Mereka kemudian berkata, dia boleh melakukan helah dan sihir kepada kita akan tetapi dia tidak boleh memperlakukan perkara yang sama kepada manusia lain. Kata Abu Jahal, "kita tunggu sehingga orang-orang dari Abadiah datang samada mereka menyaksikan perkara yang sama. Jika tidak, maka kita tahu bahawa perkara itu adalah tipu-helah Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.
Kemudian, orang-orang Albadiah berkata bahawa mereka juga menyaksikan bulan terbelah dua. Lalu orang-orang musyrikin meraka berkata, "Oh! betapa kuatnya sihir Muhammad".

Lalu, Allah menurunkan Surah Al-Qamar, ayat 1 hing 3.

" Telah dekat (datangnya) saat itu dan telah terbelah bulan. Dan jika mereka (orang-orang musyrikin) melihat sesuatu tanda (mukjizat), mereka berpaling dan berkata:` (Ini adalah) sihir yang terus menerus. Dan mereka mendustakan (Nabi) dan mengikuti hawa nafsu mereka, sedang tiap-tiap urusan telah ada ketetapannya."

Monday, July 6, 2009

Micheal Owen - I'll Always Be Your Fan

Owen During The Frustrating Season With Newcastle

  1. Though, I am not fan to Manchester United (kelab yang paling aku nyampah), but if Michael Owen chooses to join the club, I'm still his fan. It is good for him to join MU.

  2. Ferguson is able to do wonder on him (hope so). See, how many players he produces to be topstars. Ferguson is seeing inside Owen as most prolific goal score, despite his uncertainty performance with Magpies. I have no doubt about Ferguson to reclaim what Owen was. Owen knows him better than I do, though.

  3. I personally hope that next season will be his season and able to gain Capello’s confidence to re-sign as England player.

  4. I was, like shocked, struned and happy when the news came out that he has been approached by Ferguson. WOW! What a surprising news. I don't expect MU will pick Owen. But, surprisingly Owen now is MU player. At least he got club to play with for next season and to resurrect your football career and MU got him at knock-down price.

  5. Some have reacted differently over the news. Bad comments. Good comments. Whatever it is, forget about others' comments. Just move on.

"Michael is a world class forward with a proven goalscoring record at the highest level and that has never been in question. Coming to Manchester United with the expectations that we have is something that Michael will relish."

Sir Alex Ferguson


Ni masa kat Real Madrid. Bawah Capello.

Fakta Mengenai Michael Owen masa budak-budak.
  1. Nama penuh , Michael James Owen.
  2. Lahir kat Chester, England pada 14/12/1979. Banyak menghabiskan masa budak-budak kat Hawarden, Welsh.

  3. Bapak dia, Terry juga bekas pemain bola. Pernah main dengan Everton, Bradford City & Chester dalam lingkungan 14 tahun.

  4. Bapak tak paksa ikut dia main bola tapi galakkan Owen masuk boxing club di Hawarden.
  5. Ketika umur 7 tahun, dah bermain kelab Alexandra, bawah 10 tahun bersama pemain2 yang besar dan kuat. 1st season aje, score 34 goal dalam 24 permainan.

  6. Kejayaan disambung dengan dipilih sebagai pemain Deeside Schools dengan mengalahkan rekod Gary Speed sebagai permain termuda dan Ian Rush sebagai penjaring terbanyak dalam satu musim.

  7. Kemudian kehebatan Owen di Hawarden Rangers dan St. David Park telah menarik minat kelab-kelab liga lain.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Next Lines of Blood - Happy 2nd Birthday, Dayini

3rd July was my 3rd child's birthday. She's now 2 years old. We did small party for her on 4 July (yesterday afternoon). I was not with her celebrating the party. Where else if not to office. Mmmmh.... what to do.... cari makan, kalu tak makan loti saja lor!!!

But the party still went on without me. Nasib baik ada cousin-cousin yang memeriahkan suasana. 2 tahun, agak-agak budak2 umur macam ni dah paham ke birthday party. Mungkin ya atau mungkin tidak. Kanak2 zaman generation Y ni, lain macam sikit. Tak semacam time-time aku dulu. Mana ada nak sambut harijadi ni. Ye lah zaman dah berubah. Takan nak ikut time aku dulu.

Anyway, Happy Birthday.. Dayini. I always pray to Allah that you and your 2 sisters will be " anak-anak yang Solehah". May Allah blesses you always.


Friday, July 3, 2009

My Blog Emerged...

Phergh!!!..After thinking and delaying a wish to have my own blog, I have finally created one. As a typical blogger, you may find inside about anything. My life, family, activities, career, hobbies etc. Perhaps, as I go along, I can specify my blog to certain matters. Hope soon!

Nyambil-nyambil buat kerja kat office, boleh gak aku launch blog baru nih..heheh