
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Spirit Of Ramadhan

Photo 1 : Floating Mosque In Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Week 1 has passed by, and now week 2 is coming through. Week 3 is waiting whilst Week 4 is on queue. As I remember, my residents - from old folks to young toddlers leave home to mosque or nearby musolla. Azan is calling for Isyak prayer. After solat Isyak, people continue with Solat Tarawikh. I am amazed and thrilled with the people around whom I am not familiar with their faces. New generation of youngsters are hanging around chatting while waiting for calling for prayer. New kids are playing and chasing each other. I ask myself, “I don’t see these faces before? Are they new residents in this kampung?” “Or, I seldom go to the musolla?” “Or, because it is yearly affair, new faces appear?” Which is which? But I have to admit that I seldom go to musola for the past few months and community here is growing in number. The fact that this Holy Month is gathering all community, I agree with the statement. And I pray to Allah that I find and gain all baraqah You shower during this holy month and let the spirit of Ramadhan is always with me for me to be with community (Jama’ah) to solat...Isya-Allah.

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