
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Surau Lama

Surau lama peninggalan arwah bapak aku.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Jgn Tension2, Senyumlah selalu...

Man : Bapa aku hebat. Dia polis. Semua orang takut ngan dia.
Ali : Eleh, bapa aku lagi terer. Kalau dia suruh orang tunduk, mesti orang tu tunduk.
Man : Wow! Bapa kau keja apa?
Ali : Tukang gunting rambut.

Ayah : Apasal B.I kamu nie asyik dapat kosong jer...! Apasal hah?
Anak : Eh, ayah! Tu bukan kosong. Tadi cikgu adik dah kasi bintang banyakkat bebudak lain. Ada dapat 5 bintang la, 4 bintang la. Bila turn adikjer, bintang dah abis. Sebab tu cikgu bagi kat adik bulan.

Doktor : Encik kena ambil 3 sudu ubat ni setiap hari.
Pesakit : Eh! tak boleh la doktor.
Doktor : Kenapa?
Pesakit : Rumah saya ada dua sudu jer.

Cikgu : Hasan,sambungkan 2 ayat ini menjadi satu. 'Ali menaiki
basikal ke sekolah. Ali ternampak mayat.'
Hasan : Ali ternampak mayat menaiki basikal ke sekolah.

Cikgu : Encik,anak awak didapati meniru Ali dalam exam.
Bapa : Apa bukti awak?
Cikgu : Encik tengok soalan nombor 4 nie. Siapakah menemui Pulau Pinang?Seman tulis "Saya tak tahu"dan anak encik tulis "Kalau engkautak tahu, aku lagi la tak tahu".

Suatu petang datang seorang lelaki berumur ke kelinik ENT , kerana telinganyadi masuki biji kacang hijau semasa dia membeli barang dapur di pasar.
Doktor : "Selamat petang..."
Pesakit : "Selamat petang Doktor!"
Doktor : " Ada masaalah apa .....?"
Pesakit : "Telinga saya dimasuki biji kacang hijau, Doktor..."
Doktor : "Biar saya periksa telinga anda!"
setelah diperiksa... .
Doktor : " Ada2 cara untuk mengeluarkan biji tersebut..."
Pesakit : "Apa caranya doktor?"
Doktor : "Pembedahan kecil kosnya 2 ribu ringgit dan pilihan kedua
pula percuma..."
Pesakit : "Mahal sangat Doktor, kalau yang percuma bagaimana?"
Doktor : "Yang percuma kena sabar..."
Pesakit : "Baik, saya sabar, dan bagaimana caranya...?"
Doktor : "Anda sirami telinga anda 2 kali sehari dan nanti jika
sudah jadi tauge' anda tinggal tarik keluar."
Pesakit : "Huh
Mulakan hari dengan senyuman, kerana senyuman adalah ubat. Jangan tension2


I bet quite a few of you were like me...started to read this with your legs crossed ...
so hard to break this bad habit
For those who do not understand Chinese, take a look at the photos below.

Those who often cross their legs when sitting for a long period of time, 3 unhealthy
things will happen:

1 Their backbone tends to become 'C' shape
2 They will have neck aches and backaches on one side.
3 For ladies, the shoulder will tend to slant one side causing the bra strap to slip
down the slanted shoulder.

Try not to cross your legs when sitting.

Barber In NY

Barber in NY
There was once a very good barber in NEW YORK , who gave Free Haircuts to everybody who came into his shop to have their haircuts.

One day a florist went to him for a haircut.
After the cut, he wanted to pay the barber, but the barber replied:

'It's alright, I cannot accept money from you. I am doing community service.'
The Florist was happy and left the shop.
The next morning when the barber went to open his shop,
there was a thank you card and a dozen roses waiting at his door .

A policeman went for a haircut and he also wanted to pay the barber after the cut.

But the barber replied: 'I cannot accept money from you. I am doing community service.'

The cop was happy and left the shop.
The next morning when the barber went to open his shop,

there was a thank you card and a dozen donuts waiting at his door.

A Malaysian software engineer went for a haircut and he also wanted to pay the barber after the cut.

But the barber replied: 'I cannot accept money from you. I am doing community service.'

The Malaysian software engineer
was very happy and left.

The next morning when the barber went to open his shop, guess what he found there............

Can you guess?

Come on, think like a Malaysian....

have you got the answer ............

come on .............



guess............ .........................................

a dozen Malaysians waiting for free haircuts!

source : email

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