
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Getting Ready For Big Day

We are now in 2nd 10 of Ramadhan. People are busy getting ready for Eidul Fitri Al Mubaraq. Home decorations is a must - got all ready. Changed unnecessarily. Banks is now offering new notes for duit raya. Malls is busy with mega sales. Parents got all ready the baju raya for their kids. 1 suit is not enough for kids today. How lucky they are.

Some say, last minutes shopping is worthwhile. More power of bargaining. Economic slowdown does not seem like people are careful in spending. What are they worry most is about getting ready for Big Day. How grand Eid Fitri should be. This is unique about Malaysia. There is no other place you can see similar culture like this. Eidul Fitri is celebrated for the whole month of Syawal. Open house here and there.

Time has changed. People change it. The world is there. It is about people who lived in.

My 'baju raya - jumpsuit' when i was 5. It is almost 30 years, but still in good condition. It had been passed to genarations to generations - youngest sister, nephews and ninces when they about that age. Now, it is with me. For my kids, next.

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