
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ramainya Orang Sakit.....

Allhamdulillah..thank God for giving me a good health and strong physical to continue devoting to Him, taqwa and seeking for His Blessing.

Today, during lunch time, I went to Klang Hospital to visit ex-employee who admitted to the hospital due to diabetes since yesterday. According to him, for entire working life with the company (for 30 yrs), he has never been hospitalised for any serious illness. Average medical leave (MC) he had taken .. less than 5 in a year. He dedicated his whole life to his jobs. He likes his job very much... that is why he worked for 30 years in 1 company.

One thing, I pity him, he got to know that he has been diagnosed with that disease at very last months to his retirement. He chose to leave upon reaching 55. Leave just like that. No farewell. He missed our conference in Sabah. Suddenly, got a news that he is hospitalised rightly after his last day with the company - High fever. Mean that, he has to fork out with own pocket money.

When I was there, Masya-Allah... ramainya orang sakit. Not counting the visitors. Jam packed. The other side is restricted area - for H1N1 patients. The ward is unable to accamodate the number of sickness people. Extra beds were pull in.

I salute and thumbs up to the nurses and doctors who attending to the patients with full hearted. I don't blame them for any rough action they took, sometimes. Maybe, they have to. They are also human, got feeling.

I read a book "the Secret" - topic : The secret to health. The author suggested that:-
  1. The placeb effect is an example of law of attraction in action. When a patient truly believes the tablet is a cure, he receives what he believes and is cured;
  2. "focusing on perfect health" is someting we can do all within ourselves, despite what may be happened on the outside;
  3. laughter attract joy, release negativity and lead to miraculous cures;
  4. Disease is held in the body by thought, by observation of the illness and the attention given to the illness. If you little unwell, don't talk about it. ( which I always do..haha) unless you wan more of it. If you listen peaple talking about the illness, you are actually putting energy into it. Instead, talk about other good thing, give powerful toughts to seeing those people in helath;
  5. Belief about aging are all in our minds, so release those thoughts from your consciousness. Focus on helath and eternal youth.
  6. Don't listen to society's message about disease and aging. Negative messages do not serve you.
As in Islam, you've got to believe those all are from the Almighty testing your iman. Sickness is releasing sins.

Stay in good health and living in prosperity. Enjoy life while you can untill "that moment".

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